Solar Heating
Photovoltaic solar cells
Granular heating

Recycling information

Notices regarding recycling, demounting and redemption

While choosing and constructing our components we put a great emphasis on economically-friendly and durable materials.
Even at the end of their lifetime solar installations contain a multiplicity of extremely precious and easily-separable raw materials. We recommend an environmentally sound recycling.

If there is no possibility of recycling, Wagner & Co commits to taking all components and materials back and to disposing of them properly.
Moreover, we hereby give you the most important details of how to recycle and demount our prefabricated parts on site.



Solar thermal components


Material composition:

  • Solar Storage
    Tank: steel or enameled steel
    Insulating foam: Polyurethane foam (removable from tank)
    Grommet: Polystyrene (removable from foam)
  • Solar collector (EURO C20)
    Cover: Glass ESG (pre-stressed)
    Insulation: EPDM-rubber seal or pipe penetration made out of silicon
    Damping: Mineral cotton
    Frame: Aluminium
    Absorber: Cupper or Cupper/Alu (easily separable mechanically)
    Absorber coatings: Titanium dioxide (remeltable with the cupper)
    The frame can be opened with a metal saw or plate shears and all components are separable without any difficulties.
  • Solar collector (EURO L20)
    Cover: Glass ESG (pre-stressed)
    Insulation: EPDM-rubber seal or pipe penetration made out of silicon
    Damping: Mineral cotton
    Frame: Aluminium
    The frame can be opened with a metal saw or plate shears and all components are separable without any difficulties.
  • Sales packagings
    need to be disposed of according to the packaging ordinance. Transport packages can be used more than once or lead in material utilisation.