Solar Heating
Photovoltaic solar cells
Granular heating

EURO L20 MQ AR - flat plate collector

EURO L20 MQ AR – a test winner’s technology
First choice for long collector rows

Because of his innovative connection technology and the absorber geometry, the EURO MQ collector has been especially developed for long collector rows. In its new version with anti reflective glass, it unites planning advantages and the excellent technology of the EURO L20 AR, which has been testified by Stiftung Warentest in 2009.
The “L” is again an abbreviation of the modern laser welded aluminium absorber.


Advantages at a glance:

  • Up to 10 collectors can be connected parallelly in a row
  • Optically appealing adaption to the conditions of the building
  • Innovative connection technology for rational installation
  • Certified racking systems for on-roof installation or variable free-standing systems
  • Specifically developed compensators for adjusting the linear expension of long collector rows
  • Easy planning and installation of large scale systems
  • Increased absorber efficiency
  • Anti reflection glass and moth eye effect
  • Laser welding is responsible for homogenous optics and the continuous surface of the absorber


Innovative absorber technology:

Within the EURO L20 MQ AR collector the laser welded meander absorber, made of cupper tubes and aluminium absorber sheet with a highly-selective vacuum coating, performs its duty reliably. Manifold continuous tubes allow the faulty wiring of up to ten collectors in a row.