You are only a few steps away from your solar energy system!
The local Wagner Solar Energy partner is your companion in the booming solar era. He offers you competent advice regarding solar hot water supply and installations for space heating assistance and answers your questions concerning planning issues like roof suitability, installation dimensioning, geographic factors, and economic feasibility and also questions regarding financing and public subsidies.
In the planning stage our technicians and planners of course allow for and make adjustments to individual conditions, e.g. issues of landmark protection and conservation as well as questions concerning building laws and regulations.
Within a few days you will receive a customized offer.
The granting of loans usually is transacted through your bank. Thereunto you will require our offer. Off course, your Wagner partner will support you when completing the applications.
Before applying for a loan and awarding works contract, please do check out the actual regional grants program and their conditions.
Consult with your tax advisor when needed. Your investment in energy efficient building renovations thus aiding environmental conservation might be rewarded with lucrative financial write-offs and income tax deductions. Technician and installation costs may be tax-deductible.
After credit approval (you will automatically receive the assessment via mail), contract your Wagner partner for the installation of your new solar heating installation. You will receive from him an order confirmation and suggested date of delivery, which, of course, you can decide upon for your convenience.
5. Installation and commissioning
Your Wagner partner installs your unit within a few days, depending on size and scope. After commissioning and subsequent functional check, the sun delivers free heat energy to your household.
Following successful installation and commissioning, you will receive a bill for your solar installation. Please send a copy to your bank which will release the credit. According to experience, the amount will be at your disposal within a short time.
Allow yourself to bask in the sun. At the same time enjoy your ecological commitment, rewarding you with reasonably earned financial advantages.