EURO L20 AR - flat plate collector
EURO L20 AR - the top collector
Test winning power plus laser heart
The new powerful development of our collectors is known as EURO L20 AR. The “L“ is an abbreviation for the modern laser welded aluminium absorber. Due to two additional tube registers and a reduced decrease in pressure the application area exceeds the C20 ARs one tremendously.
Advantages at a glance:
- Up to five collectors in a row (by default)
- Easy planning and installation of large scale systems
- Increased absorber efficiency
- Laser welding is responsible for homogenous optic and the continuous surface of the abosrber
- Established connection technology of our C20 collectors ensure the compatibility regarding previous systems
- Improved antireflection glass with nano-structured surface and moth eye effect result in 6-10% more yields
- Enhanced design: high-quality, rounded body profile and micro-prismatic glass ("Sand look")
- And much more!
Proven efficiency:
The new top collector demonstrates its abilities impressingly: it is an essential part of the COMBI line SH 1440 AR AD solar system by Wagner & Co, which once more emerges as the test winner of the current benchmark, initiated by Stiftung Warentest. (test 03/2009).