Packages incl. EURO C20 AR

Packages including EURO C20 AR
The EURO C20 AR flat plate collectors – high-tech with nanotechnology:
- Solar glass with Sunarc® anti-reflection surface with nanotechnology and particularly high-yield thanks to 96% light transmissivity < FONT>
- One of Europe’s most efficient flat plate collectors
- Absorber with environmentally friendly and high-performance vacuum coating (95% absorption, 5% emission)
- Enodized aluminium frames with continuous side and 60 mm thick back panel insulation
Collector packages with EURO C20 AR collectors (without solar storage cylinders) offer the following:
- 1x EURO C20 AR flat plate collector set
- 1x on-roof mounting set for collectors
- 1x CIRCO solar circulation unit with expansion vessel set
- 1x DC 20, 10-15 liter solar liquid
- 1x detailled illustrated instruction manual
- 1x SUNGO S or SL solar controller
- all in-roof installations with black-anodized EURO C20 collectors
More information on C20-AR collector